Post by Kholoud Barakat, Jordanian participant
Three moments I would recall as having added a great meaning to my presence in the convening. The first was when I was given a chance to do an icebreaker and felt that I can contribute to such a convening with all its powerful organizers, speakers and participants. I felt my presence was real and active. It filled me with great happiness that participants responded the way they did to the icebreaker and laughter was all-around. The second was when everyone was asked to speak of a success story to tell to others as I enjoyed so much listening to others experiences as much as talking about mine to others. The action planning was a very interesting exercise that is also challenging and was of great value but I still would recommend that this part be guided with contribution from the trainers be given a more room for reflection before having the pen on paper; I would prefer 3 hours given to this exercise including a break in between. I look forward to the next convening and I am determined to become a mentor for folks from the younger generation! I believe in FGW!